INNER SPACE: Synthesis

DATE 2013/03/16 sat 


TIME 17:00-23:00


DOOR 1500/1d




Live Set  The Juggernauts


VJs  calpas, shunjistique, Hiromi



Sweet Rave Party Productionsが提唱する「深層心理」を知覚するパーティー、その名も"INNER SPACE"。 2013年3月16日、新たな試みとして"INNER SPACE: Synthesis"を開催する。 【INNER SPACE: Synthesisとは...】立場や国籍の壁などは存在しない、誰でも簡単にアクセスできる場所。 そして、音と映像の力を使い、近いシンパシーを抱く者同士を結びつけ、一人一人が異なった価値観、思想、アイデアを持ち寄り、体験、認知、融合、共有させる事で「新しい何か」を生み出す器として機能する。 「新しい何か」は、アーティスト、DJ、VJ、ミュージシャン、フォトグラファー、デザイナー、エンジニア、その他様々な表現者同士、またはそれらに興味を持った人々が相関することで生まれるだろう。その場に居合わせた一人一人が原子となり、それらが結合することで思いもよらぬ化学反応が起きることを期待する。
誰にも"INNER SPACE"へのアクセスを断ち切る事は出来ない。


Sweet Rave Party Productions has been writing the road map down the rabbit hole for years with its flagship party—INNER SPACE. But come March 16, 2013, our signature rave experience will undergo a massive transformation. Enter INNER SPACE: Synthesis.
What is INNER SPACE: Synthesis? Not contained by borders nor segmented by nationality, anyone is free to come and share themselves. The catalysts for our experiment are sound and visuals, elegantly merged with the unique ideas and values of each individual present. Fusing these with our key themes of 1) a quality, life-changing experience, 2) a markedly changed perception of one's surrounding space, 3) the combination of diverse components, and 4) sharing the collective wondrousness of the party experience—we aim to synthesize a new element, a spectacularly irregular strain of fun the world has yet to witness.
Artist, DJ, VJ, musician, photographer, designer, engineer. These and all other conceivable faces and incarnations of the simple desire to "express"—as well as those appreciative of these expressers—are the vessels for the powerful experiment we will design. No one can stop us. Come, and explore INNER SPACE.

Hard Science (Sweet Rave Party Productions)


アメリカ出身。 2010年より東京を拠点に活動し、Sweet Rave Party Productionsを共同創設。アンダーグラウンドなアーバンレイヴシーンを推進し続けている。
Hard Scienceは高い技術力と感性を持ち合わせ、聞く者をオルガズムに導くべきプログレッシブとハードトランスの二つの音を高次元で融合、調和させる。
Co-founder of Sweet Rave Party Productions, a Tokyo-based underground movement spearheading the urban rave scene since 2010--Hard Science composes a stimulating trip combining distinct, dual styles of progressive and hard trance, expertly woven together with an amalgam of effects and acute technical skill.
An American expatriate bringing a sharp perspective to the trance scene, no doubt he will go on to play an integral role in the advent of a second trance boom.



アメリカはアリゾナ出身にして脱サラDJ!そんなグローバル且つ異色なヒストリーを持つ彼女のDJスタイルは、本人の性格を反映するように個性的である。Progressive House を中心としたエモーショナルな流れは、時としてダークなテックサウンドへ。Dub Step や D&B までをもシームレスに飲み込んだプレイリストは、ジャンルの境界線を飛び越え、洗練されたスペクトルを紡ぎだす。東京主要クラブでレジデントイベントを抱 え、またイベントプロデュースもアクティヴにこなすLX-E。そのエネルギッシュなパフォーマンスで、着実にランキングを獲得している。
Her silky smooth DJ mixes, unbeatable track selection, and energetic performance have defined LX-E as an unstoppable force behind the decks, and with her relentless DJ gig schedule Tokyo's fastest rising star shows no sign of slowing her pace as she rapidly ascends up the ranks. An incredibly active and in-demand DJ in Tokyo's club circuit, LX-E can frequently be spotted at many of Tokyo's top venues, spinning at the likes of Japan's biggest megaclub ageHa, or on the main floors of Shibuya's massive clubs WOMB and Club Asia, and at the luxurious and stylish Velours. In 2012, as a member of the all-female DJ organization QUISS, she also took the next step and made her festival debut, spinning at peak time at The Hacienda Oiso Festival in Kanagawa, Japan.
LX-E's DJ style is all about seamless mixes, often blurring the lines between progressive house, trance, and techno, among other genres. Rather than being concerned with staying fixated on any one particular style, she instead focuses on manipulating movement on the dancefloor by building and releasing tension in her mix, juxtaposing the contrasting sound spectrums of techy vs. melodic, dark vs. uplifting, traditional vs. cutting edge.
Everything up until now, however, has been just the beginning: LX-E is poised to truly turn heads from here on out and 2013 holds some even bigger, more exciting plans on both the DJ front as well as in the studio. Stay tuned!



I first got into music playing alto sax from a young age ? jazz, blues, swing, 50’s rock, as well as classical and even some pop. When I got older I got really into the raves and clubs when they hit the scene in my hometown Chicago. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that clubs changed my life for the better.
When I came to Japan as a tourist all those years ago I remember being really impressed with the country, but particularly interested in the club scene in Shibuya. That was when I decided that were I was going to live. It wasn’t easy and it took some time, but I’ve been here for six years and been pretty happy.
Naturally I got mad into the clubs and parties in Shibuya and it for the light bulb upstairs to go on and for me to think to myself, “Why I am not the one doing this?” So I started organizing and did that for years and naturally that brought me into contact with a lot of DJs and again I thought to myself, “Why am I not doing this?” But no one ever tells you how hard any of this stuff is or how much effort it takes or how much the equipment costs. You just see the end result and think it’s cool. So for months I worked hard, spent a ton of money, hardly went out and had no other hobby, but to sit there and make music. 
The first time I DJed was at a small club in Shibuya with hardly any people, the second time was at a pretty good count down party and the third time was at Ageha. That’s the thing you learn about life is that it’s a continual developmental process. I don’t see the world ending anytime soon, so I guess I’ll just have to keep doing what time doing and keep striving for the next level.

The Juggernauts


ゲームボーイ×ギターの異色タッグ・ライブセットをINNER SPACEで初披露。他では味わえない異種格闘スペシャルマッチをご堪能あれ!

2mgGame Boy, drum pad, synthesizerK-GOGuitar, guitar synthesizer
Strap yourselves into that shuttle and prepare to be blasted off into the outer stratosphere of madness itself! INNER SPACE's first live Game Boy and guitar duo clash for a yet unwitnessed lift off into lunacy!

calpas (Sweet Rave Party Productions / FUTURESCAPE)


本名 Fujita Yoshihisa 1984年 東京都出身。一級建築士。15歳でアンダーグラウンドダンスミュージックカルチャーとの衝撃的な出会いを果たす。以降その世界に傾倒し続け、いつしか興味は無意味とも言える抽象的な映像表現に向かっていた。2011年よりVJとしてのキャリアをスタート。現在は建築士としての活動と平行して、WOMB・ageHa BOX・CUBE326・VISION・module等で、MinimalからPsychedelicまで、ジャンルにとらわれない多種多様なイベントに出演。公私共に自身の活動領域と独創性を模索しながら、人の意思をカタチにする行為に携わり続けている。

shunjistique (Sweet Rave Party Production)


Starting graphic design at the age of 23, participated in SRRP events from 2011. From original to derivative work, he interweaves with entertaining material to deep inter reaching work that captivates the you in the music. Heavily improvisational, often incorporates other VJs loops and equipment as the night develops only focusing on what would be interesting "now". "Vjing is no different to masturbation, other than it involves no tissues" shunjistique

Hiromi (Sweet Rave Party Production)

